Bien, habiendo ya definido todos estos detalles importantes, podemos comenzar a crearnos una imagen mental acerca de cómo organizar y crear una maravillosa habitación para nuestros niños. Acá les dejo algunas imágenes que les podrán servir de ayuda a la hora de buscar ideas y acertar con la decoración del cuarto.
What should we keep in mind when decorating a child's room? First of all let's not forget that each child is different, each has his or her own preferences when it comes to color, characters, style, etc. That's where we should start, keeping in mind that it will be their space, where they will find their own magical world. Just like we should also keep in mind that children need enough space to play and it's very important not to forget safety, so that we'll be sure to keep accidents away.
Having defined all these important details, we can begin to create a mental image of how to organize and create a wonderful room for our children. Here are some images that might help you when looking for ideas and create a successful decoration for their rooms.
Colocar una cama aérea nos da espacio extra en la habitación, el que podemos utilizar para colocar un escritorio (como muestra la imagen) o gaveteros. De esta forma aprovechamos espacio y logramos coneguir mas almacenaje.
Building a suspended bed gives us extra space in the room, which we can use to place a desk (like in this image) or a dresser. This way we take advantage of the space available and leave more for storage.
Ideas para ellos...
Ideas for the boys...
Para niñas... un sinfin de ideas maravillosas para hacer de sus habitaciones un lugar mágico.
For girls... an endless number of wonderful ideas to make their rooms a magical place.
Y cuando de espacio se trata, las camas dobles o literas son una maravillosa opción.
When it comes down to space, double beds or bunk beds are a wonderful option.
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