Tener una cama de revista es sumamente sencillo si logramos combinar algunos factores...
Un buen colchón no solo nos provee de un plácido y merecido descanso (siendo esto lo más importante) sino que ademas nos sirve de base a la hora de resaltar la decoración de la cama.
Una buena selección en ropa de cama (edredones, almohadas, cojines, sábanas) elementos sueltos que se unen para lograr el efecto deseado, teniendo en cuenta texturas y diseños que vayan acorde al color de las paredes y el estilo del resto de los muebles.
En cuanto a los colores, cada uno es libre de elegir los que más le guste, pero es recomendable seleccionar colores armoniosos. Con esto me refiero a colores cálidos y planos en tonos suaves, puesto que transmiten tranquilidad.
A continuación les dejo algunos ejemplos...
Today we will talk about the protagonist of the bedroom... the bed. And why do I call it the protagonist? Because it simply is. Let's ask ourselves a simple question... when we enter a bedroom, where does our eye go? What's the first thing we see? Answer: The bed. It's the most important point in the room and that is why we must place special emphasis on when dressing it adequately.
Having a magazine bed is very easy if we're able to mix a few factors...
A good mattress not only provides us with a calm and well-deserved rest (being this the most important), but also serves us as a base when enhancing the decoration of the bed.
A good selection of bed dressing (comforters, pillows, cushions, sheets) loose elements that come together to achieve the desired effect, keeping in mind textures and designs that go well with the color of the walls and the style of the rest of the furniture.
When it comes to color, each one is free to choose the ones we like the best, but it is recommended that we select harmonizing colors. When I say this, I refer to warm colors and solids in soft tones, because they transmit tranquility.
I will leave you with some examples...
Via The Company Store