Nos resultará básico tener en cuenta el uso que vamos a dar a esta habitación, su tamaño y su disponibilidad de luz natural. La norma general es que para un salón pequeño o con poca luz debemos utilizar colores claros, mientras que en una sala mayor y luminosa se pueden usar colores más oscuros o vibrantes. Pero hay más...
When decorating a living room we must keep in mind not just the color of the walls but also have a general idea of the whole room and its elements.
It will help us to keep in mind the use that we will give that room, its size and amount of natural light. The general rule is that for a small living room or for one with little light we must use light colors, while a larger and brighter room will allow us to use darker or more vibrant colors. But there's more...
-Optar por un solo color y agregarle una o dos variaciones de tonalidades es una alternativa segura. Permite hacer juegos de color y dar luminosidad a las paredes, puertas, ventanas y el techo, sin correr el riesgo de que el efecto resulte muy cargado.
-Choosing one color and adding one or two tonal variations is a safe alternative. It permits us to play with color and give brightness to the walls, doors, windows, and ceiling without running the risk of it having an overwhelming effect.
-It is preferable to choose two or three colors and distribute them in different proportions throughtout the room. The main color would be the one which would occupy the most surface space, such as the walls.
Contemporary Living Room design by Toronto Interior Designer Jennifer Brouwer (Jennifer Brouwer Design)
-Para mantener la luminosidad del ambiente, debemos considerar las cortinas en la combinación del conjunto y elegirlas de colores claros. Si es un salón con colores más neutros y pocas texturas, podemos apostar por cortinas color muy destacado.
-To maintain the brightness of the atmosphere, we must consider the curtains in the color palette of the room and choose light colors. If a room has more neutral colors and few textures, we can bet on curtains with a more intense color.
-Es recomendable utilizar los tonos más suaves para paredes y superficies grandes y los más intensos para los detalles. Es un modo de garantizar un equilibrio visual.
-It is recommended to use the softer tones for the walls and large surfaces and the most intense for the details. It is a way to guarantee a visual equilibrium.
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